Cloth Nappy Journal

Expert cloth nappy advice, tips and tricks for modern eco-conscious parents.

Two babies laying on a bed. One is wearing a disposable and the other is wearing a cloth nappy. Text reads, Disposables vs Cloth Nappies.

Disposables vs Cloth Nappies [Cost Comparison]

Disposable nappy costs add up fast. On average, each child uses around $3,000 AUD worth until they are toilet trained. See how cloth nappies compare and why it's a no-brainer to switch. 
February 26, 2022
Tags: Learn
Close up of baby mid cloth nappy change demonstrating correct fit

How To Avoid Red Marks From Cloth Nappies?

Red marks are a common concern among parents switching to cloth nappies for the first time. Learn what causes them and how to prevent them. 
February 26, 2022
Tags: Learn
Father holding his child sat up on a bed

5 Common Mistakes To AVOID When Using Cloth Nappies

Set yourself up for success and avoid these 5 common mistakes most new cloth nappy users make.
February 20, 2022
Tags: Learn