Our Ethos & Story

NappyLuxe is a family run business based out of sunny Brisbane, Australia, with a focus on creating premium, high quality, modern cloth nappies. We aim to provide a better, easy to use and more sustainable alternative to disposables.

Tried & Tested

Quality Where It Counts

Choose a pure and silky soft nappy that keeps your baby feeling dry. A nappy where every inch has been thoughtfully designed to prevent leaks without sacrificing on comfort.

Simple to Use

Time Saving Design

Easily prepare and build the required absorbency your baby needs in seconds, not minutes. Simply snap in the required amount of inserts and off you go. Just a wet nappy? Have the option to replace the wet inserts and reuse the cover to reduce your washing load, unlike with pocket style nappies.

Mission Possible

Helpful Guides & Tips

Whether you're just starting out with cloth nappies, or you're a seasoned pro, enjoy free access to tips, guides and tutorials to ensure your success.

Sustainable Alternative

Reducing Landfill One Nappy at a Time

Within the first month a new born will go through about 300 disposables and approximately 6,000 until toilet trained. Combine that with the fact each disposable takes around 500 years to decompose in landfill, one simple choice to use cloth nappies will significantly reduce your family's environmental footprint.

Where it all began...

Like many, Natalie (NappyLuxe Founder) opted to give cloth nappies a go when becoming a parent.

She was determined to make whatever small difference she could to reduce her environmental impact. Furthermore, finding out that switching to cloth would save her family thousands of dollars per child made the decision a no-brainer.

After years of experience trialing dozens of styles and types of cloth nappies, it became clear that not all cloth nappies are created equal. Natalie set out on a quest to create a premium nappy that's both simple to use, long-lasting and ultra-absorbent.

NappyLuxe was born.